Joint Master: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Human Vision System and Perception
2023-2024: 2 hours.
2022-2023: 2 hours.
2021-2022: 2 hours.
2020-2021: 2 hours.
2019-2020: 2 hours.
Image formation and color representation
2023-2024: 2 hours.
2022-2023: 2 hours.
2021-2022: 2 hours.
2020-2021: 2 hours.
2019-2020: 2 hours.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Escola d’Enginyeria:
Photometric invariance
2012-2013: 2 hours.
2011-2012: 2 hours.
University of East Anglia, Computer Sciences School:
Computer Vision for Computational Photography (both undergraduate and masters)
2010-2011: 25 hours.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Escola d’Enginyeria:
Data Engineering
2023-2024: Theory, seminars and Labs: 38 hours. Coordination of the subject.
2021-2022: Theory, seminars and Labs: 50 hours. Coordination of the subject.
Advanced Programming
2023-2024: Theory, seminars and Labs: 65 hours.
Programming Laboratory
2023-2024: Theory, seminars and Labs: 50 hours.
2021-2022: Theory, seminars and Labs: 150 hours.
Image Processing
2021-2022: Theory, seminars and labs: 40 hours.
2020-2021: Seminars and Labs: 26 hours.
Artificial Intelligence
2011-2012: Seminars and Labs: 52 hours.
System Planning
2011-2012: Labs: 40 hours.
Artificial Vision
2011-2012: Seminars and labs: 15 hours.
Programming languages and algorithms
2009-2010: Theory: 45 hours. Labs: 112,5 hours.
2008-2009: Labs: 125 hours.
Data structure
2007-2008: Labs: 60 hours.
2006-2007: Labs: 60 hours.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Escola Superior Politècnica:
Linear Algebra
2020-2021: Theory: 28 hours. Practices: 12 hours.
2017-2018: Theory: 28 hours. Coordination of the subject.
2016-2017: Theory: 28 hours. Practices: 14 hours. Seminars: 12 hours.
Image and video compression
2017-2018: Theory: 18 hours. Coordination of the subject.
2016-2017: Theory: 18 hours. Coordination of the subject.
2015-2016: Theory: 18 hours. Seminars: 8 hours. Coordination of the subject.
Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
2015-2016: Theory: 36 hours.
2014-2015: Theory: 36 hours. Practices: 24 hours. Seminars: 16 hours.
Mathematical Biomodelling
2015-2016: Seminars: 8 hours.
Differential Equations
2014-2015: Seminars: 20 hours. Labs: 16 hours.